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Let's start off with the Original Nine. Ty Warner (and his punchable face) released both Beanie Babies and Beanie Buddies first as a group of nine, followed by the rest. The original nine of each are as follows, with the ones I don't own in white:

The Original Nine!

Beanie Babies Beanie Buddies
Chocolate the Moose Beak the Kiwi
Cubbie the Bear Humphrey the Camel
Flash the Dolphin Jake the Mallard
Legs the Frog Peanut the Elephant
(royal blue)
Patti the Platypus Quackers the duck
(with wings)
Pinchers the Lobster Rover the Dog
Splash the Orca Stretch the Ostrich
Spot the Dog Teddy the Bear
Squealer the Pig Twigs the Giraffe

I'm going to list these again below in my want/have/getting lists, but I wanted you all to know what these nine are and why I think they're special.

This color is for ones that I have!

This color is for ones on the way, or otherwise in the process of getting!

This color is for ones that I want, but do not yet have!

Teenie Beanies:

Beanie Babies:

Beanie Buddies:

And just for you, Beanie Babies gifs!
A gif of a beanie baby saint bernard puppy in a doghouse. A gif of a beanie baby bat. A gif of a beanie baby saint bernard sleeping in a bed. A gif of a beanie baby monkey with a propeller hat. A gif of a beanie baby bumblebee. A gif of a beanie baby calico cat. A gif of a yellow Cracker-Barrel-branded beanie baby bear. A gif of a beanie baby golden retriever. A gif of a beanie baby butterfly. A gif of a beanie baby firefly. A gif of a beanie baby jellyfish. A gif of a coiled beanie baby snake. A gif of a rainbow beanie baby worm crawling out of a can. A gif of a rainbow colored beanie baby worm. A gif of a white beanie baby dragon. A gif of a beanie baby moray eel. A gif of a beanie baby husky. A gif of a tie-dye beanie baby bear facepalming. A gif of a tie-dye beanie baby bear. A beanie baby scorpion gif. A beanie baby snail gif. A brown daschund beanie baby gif.